Thursday, 19 January 2012

Still Sidetracked...

The first (mini!) prototype of the cocktail cabinet, we are just trying a few things at this stage to see some alternatives to sticking a CRT in the box.  Might start on this when I get back from holiday, find some wood and get cracking on piecing it together, plan to order some button and stick components before I leave.  Commando Bros update tonight.


  1. Hey it's BaoonWash. Just checking out your blog for the first time and saw that you're building a cabinet. I just restored an old Asteroids cabinet over the summer. It's a full stand-up, not a cocktail, but more or less the same.

    If you need any help with the build, don't be afraid to hit me up.

    Have a good one.

    - Bacon

  2. I was going to do a DIY cocktable cabinet. There are actually a bunch of easy ways to do this with Ikea coffee tables.

    You'll want to find one that has either a glass top or a glass shelf, then you just cut a hole in the top to fit the screen (LCD is great, you remove the bezel).

    You can google around to see what people have done. Just a thought for you!
